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An Interview with a Religious Sister

Can you tell me a bit about yourself?

Hello! I’m a Salesian Sister of St. John Bosco (formally known as the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians)

Fun fact: God knows that I am not good at math so He’s allowed me to profess in 2000 so the math would always be easy when people ask: “How long have you been a Sister?” God is that personal, intimate, and gracious with each one of us, in our weaknesses and in the gifts He gives!

Why did you decide to become a Religious Sister?

It was a thought and a desire that wouldn’t leave me, no matter how much I tried to convince myself I was going to be married and have a large family!

When and how did you receive your call to become a Sister? Was it gradual or all at once?

I received the call suddenly when I was about 21 years old, had graduated from college and was working in NYC, not feeling particularly fulfilled. Though a Catholic since birth, I had never thought about it until that moment of prayer, asking God what I was supposed to do with my life. The sudden and unexpected reply in my heart brought me so much joy and peace, yet the discernment was a process over several years as I struggled to understand this vocation and overcome my fears.

What attracted you to religious life?

Jesus Himself. A life of complete and intimate union with Him held so much joy, serenity, and that ‘aha!’ experience of “THIS is what I am called to be and do with my life.”

What is the best part of being a Sister?

There are MANY life-giving and joyful aspects, but the BEST part is actually living my vocation each day, fulfilled in the one life I have been given here on earth serving God and others, especially the young, as a Salesian Sister!

What advice would you give to a young person who is considering religious life?

Pray. Have patience. Be willing to take the time to grow in self-knowledge and friendship with God through the Sacraments, good friends, generous service, and love for Mother Mary. Contact a priest or a vocation director who can accompany you in your journey of discernment because you are not meant to walk it alone!

What is a typical day like for you?

Morning prayer, meditation, Mass, and breakfast together starts each day in community. Then we are engaged in our various apostolates (ministries). We re-gather for spiritual reading, evening prayer, rosary, examination of conscience, dinner and recreation at the end of the day. The day closes with recollected silence and sleep! Since we work with and among young people, part of our evenings and weekends are sometimes also given to cheering them on at various sports, musical, or other events! 😊

What are your hobbies and interests?

Reading, walking/hiking/being in nature, art & museums, learning something new (including eating new foods!), traveling

What is one thing you want young people to know about discernment and following God’s call?

You don’t want to regret not becoming a Sister (or priest/Brother) because you were too afraid to explore your vocation.

[NB: Discernment is not just for “Religious Life” but for ALL of Life. Discernment is a ‘spiritual muscle’, a daily habit that serenely seeks God in all situations and to be guided by His Holy Spirit in our thoughts, words, and actions].

What is one thing you dream of doing someday?

Being in Heaven with everyone! (and taking a 4-8 week RV mission trip across the country)

Why should young people consider Religious Life?

Why not? When people are trying to decide something, don’t they usually consider their options? And one’s vocation is perhaps the most important decision a person can make! So why not bring it out into the sunlight, especially if God has planted the seed for religious life? Water it and see what blossoms! God will give all the grace that’s needed.

How can we pray for you?

Remember me in your Rosary! Jesus and Mary know all my needs and prayer intentions. Thank you so much, and please be assured that you will be in my daily prayers!

Catholic Teen Life Readers, let's pray for all of the amazing women who have so bravely said "yes" to God's call to Religious life and for those who are discerning!


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