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Book Reviews- Catholic Answers

Catholic Answers Press is one of the top Catholic publishers in the United States. In addition to publishing tons of amazing books for Catholics, they also have an apologetics website and a radio show where listeners can call in and ask their questions about the Catholic faith. Here are just a few reviews of some of my favorite books that they've published. Happy reading!

I featured this book in another book review post on devotionals and prayer books. This is the same review from that post, so if it looks familiar, that's why!

A Daily Defense-

This book is by very famous apologist, Jimmy Akin, from Catholic Answers. The description on the front of the book is "365 days (plus one) to becoming a better apologist". The book is an excellent resource for those of us who love to defend our Catholic faith, or have questions about it and want to learn more. The book is set up in a way that for each day there is a common objection to Catholicism and Jimmy Akin's explanation on how to defend the Church's teaching on the topic. It's easy to understand and definitely worth the 5 minutes per day that it takes to read. This would be a great read for someone going off to college or just for anyone who is often put in situations where they need to defend their Catholic faith.

Persuasive Pro-Life: How to Talk About Our Culture’s Toughest Issue-

Also by famous Catholic Answers apologist, Trent Horn, this book is probably my favorite pro-life book of all time. Trent Horn gives clear answers to common pro-life objections, strategies for having meaningful conversations with those who have questions about the pro-life movement or are pro-choice, and many more tips and strategies to help you in your journey as a pro-life apologist and advocate for the unborn. This is the book that I used as a resource in all of my pro-life posts leading up to St. Gianna Molla's feast day. Check them out if you haven't already!

33 Days to Morning Glory: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat In Preparation for Marian Consecration

This book by Fr. Michael Gaitley is a necessity for anyone who is interested in consecrating themselves to the Blessed Mother but isn't sure where to start. My family read the meditations as a family during Lent this year leading up to our consecration on The Feast of the Annunciation (Check out my "Happy Feast of The Annunciation!" post!). It only takes a few minutes each day and adequately prepares you for the consecration, giving you tons of information on Marian saints, what the consecration means, what graces being consecrated brings, and how Marian Consecrations have helped so many people on their path to sainthood. Let me know in the comments if you've consecrated yourself to the Blessed Mother or if you've used this book before! I'd love to hear about your journey :-).

20 Answers Series

The books in the 20 Answers Series give 20 answers per topic for numerous topics of Catholic teaching including The Eucharist, Abortion, Saints, Death and Judgment, Salvation, and many more. They're a quick and easy way to learn what the Church teaches about many different topics and an excellent tool for apologetics and evangelization.

Why We're Catholic: Our Reasons For Faith, Hope, And Love

Also by Trent Horn, this book is perfect for anyone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. The book answers commonly asked questions about topics such as Truth, God, Jesus, The Bible, The Church and Sacraments, saints, sinners, morality, and destiny. It presents answers in a simple way that makes it an easy resource for anyone and everyone. It would also be a great resource for evangelization. It would be an awesome book to have on hand wherever you go where you may encounter people who want to learn more about Catholicism (pretty much everywhere!!!) Luckily, Catholic Answers sells their books in bulk for a very good price... :-)

Catholic Answers sells SO MANY MORE books than these!! Make sure you check them out at

I'm just getting started reading them and I'm so excited to see what God will reveal to me through the works of these amazing Catholic authors. Please let me know in the comments section if you check out any of these books or if you've read them before. God bless!


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