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Book Reviews- Stories

Updated: Jan 30, 2022

Isn't it sometimes terribly hard to find a good book to read? One that doesn't have any unnecessary content that we shouldn't be reading? At least at my local library, it is. There have only been a few books in recent months that I haven't had to put down because of the content or that have kept my interest. Here are a few recommendations of books I've read over and over again that have a good message and that you won't want to put down.

When God Wrecks Your Romance- Amanda Vernon and Matt Case

My youth minister recently lent me her copy of this book and I absolutely love it. The story (it's a true story by the way! Amanda Vernon spoke at our parish last year.) is about two people who were friends as teenagers, and both liked each other very much but neither wanted to tell the other. After years and years of being at Steubenville conferences and retreats together, they find out what the other was thinking all that time. God takes them on a path they never could've imagined as He shows them both His will for their lives. It's an amazing story about love, friendship, vocations, and being happy where God puts you. If you like romance but don't care for all the unnecessary content that is normally put in them, this book is definitely for you.

Chicken Soup for The Soul- Living Catholic Faith

This book is a collection of stories from people from all over the place who live good Catholic lives and have stories to share with the world. The topics include love, service, angels, miracles, challenges, prayer, faith, and much much more. There are 101 stories so it's a good book to read if you don't have a lot of time on your hands..... Or you can read it all in one night like I did.

God Said Yes- Heather Hornback Bland and Ninie Hammon

I have read this book so many times.... I couldn't even tell you how many. It is the story of a woman who was run over by as car as a small child, and still managed to live a good life and have children even when the doctors said it'd be impossible. She has an incredible faith in God and trust that he will help her through all her struggles. It's a good one for those of us who like reading about medical stuff.

Angels in the E.R - Dr. Robert Lesslie M.D.

Another medical book! Dr.Lesslie is an E.R. doctor who shares his stories of his time in the E.R. with the world. For the most part, the stories are about patients he's seen (he doesn't use real names) and how they've impacted his life. He's also written several other books titled Angels on the Nightshift, Angels and Heroes, Miracles in the E.R., Angels on Call, Angels to the Rescue, When You Need an Angel, and Notes from a Doctor's Pocket. Also a good one for our medical fans :-)

A Single Bead- Stephanie Engelman

First fictional book on the list! This book is about a girl who finds a bead from her deceased grandmother's Rosary bead in the place where she died on the first anniversary of her death. What happens aafterwardand how praying the Rosary changes her life will make you want to pray it more often!

Check out these books and the many more that can be found online. These are just a few of my favorites. Let me know in the comments if you have any suggestions or try any of these ones out. Happy reading!


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