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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

Bowling in Heaven 😇

This beautiful morning sunshine quickly turned into storm clouds in the afternoon, coming to a head precisely when Mass was about to begin! Though the rain passed us by, the thunder was rumbling on and off all through Mass. When we finished praying "Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say thy word and my soul shall be healed," the priest who was celebrating the Mass consumed the host, and right as he did so, the largest, longest, loudest rumble of thunder I think I've ever heard happened. It was such perfect timing- Heavenly timing. I smiled as I stood to walk forward to receive my Jesus, and was immediately reminded of the childhood tale that thunder just means that "The angels are going bowling in Heaven!" Maybe the angels today were just celebrating a little extra hard because they were so happy that we got to receive Jesus today... So hard that they made all of Heaven shake! 😊

What is our excitement for Jesus like? I know I personally sometimes find it hard to be excited about visiting Jesus in the chapel. I think I know exactly what to expect and honestly, every day is a struggle to stay awake (#chronicillnesslife), but Jesus never disappoints. His love is always enough (even if I can't even stay awake!)

Our Lord is always waiting for us. He remains in the tabernacle, and though we see Him alone, He is accompanied by all the choirs of angels who sing His praises constantly and celebrate each time we walk in the door to visit our Jesus. And when we get to receive Him, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity.... well, that's when the party starts! 😆

If you take one thing away from this little story, my friend, let it be that Jesus is waiting for you, and all of Heaven rejoices over you. ❤️




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