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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

Corpus Christi- Heaven meets Earth

Updated: Jun 17, 2020

Happy Feast of Corpus Christi!! Normally this great solemnity of the liturgical year is celebrated with Mass and then a Eucharistic procession. This year, it may be slightly different. Despite this, we can still celebrate! This day celebrates the great gift that Christ gave us in giving His entire self to us in the Eucharist. He gave us this great gift so that we too may be one with Him in this life and the next. Receiving the Eucharist is the closest we can be to Heaven while still being on Earth because we are literally becoming one with God Himself! His body and blood veiled under the image of bread and wine are our food for the journey of life.

Do you remember your first communion? I only remember bits and pieces but if I could go back and do it all over again, knowing what I know now, I definitely would. We must always receive Jesus with the same wonder and awe that we would if it was our first time. My little sister, along with four other girls from her class were able to receive their First Holy Communion last night! It was wonderful to watch five beautiful young members of the Church receiving their Lord and God for the first time. Please keep them, as well as all of this year's first communicants in your prayers!

The next time you have the chance to go to Mass, contemplate who it is that you are receiving into your soul. Who you are becoming one with. Jesus is there in the tabernacle waiting for you to come and be one with Him. He has waited thousands of years just to see you come to Him, bow before Him in complete love and amazement, receive Him into your soul, and then with a resounding "amen!", confirm that you truly believe that He is who you have just received and that you believe in His Church that He established. He loves you so so much and wants you to receive this amazing gift of His body and blood, soul and divinity.

So, on this Divine celebration of Jesus Christ's body and blood, remember who you are receiving, and why you are receiving Him. This is an amazing gift that Christ allows us to receive as Catholic Christians. When Jesus promised that He would be with us always, this is what He meant. He will always be present in the Eucharist, loving and guiding, and there for us to become one with Him, the one who loves us infinitely.

Here's a special gift for you on this great feast day... This amazing video will bring you to tears and make you realize who is really present at every single Mass. Let me know what you think in the comments!


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Matt Carelli
Matt Carelli

That video was POWERFUL! Thank you for writing this, too. Not enough people have reverance for the body and blood of Christ before receiving it.

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