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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

Finding Refuge: Psalm 118:8

"It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in men."

This is a difficult post to write. I thought I had everything figured out. I thought I knew what the next three and maybe even five years would look like. Not the specifics, obviously, but the big things. I thought I knew God's plan. Now, here I am. I could not have been more wrong.

Several weeks ago, my relationship of almost three years ended abruptly. It was a decision that I never saw it coming. I spent the first week afterward questioning why God would ever allow this- why would He lead me somewhere to have it end? Part of me still does not understand. But I'm seeing now that I don't HAVE to understand completely. I had been putting my trust in my own interpretation of my future. I thought I knew what God wanted- Now I'm seeing that God's plans are rarely ever precisely as we believe they will be. He has a beautiful, wonderful plan for our lives. And as I've learned, sometimes seemingly bad things need to happen in order for us to see that we are being called higher and forward.

So much beauty and peace comes from abandonment to the will of God. He truly is our refuge. As scary as it seems, anything can change at any point. People leave. Loved ones pass away. Sickness comes and goes. Plans change. Life can change in an instant and often does. But God does not. His love does not. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in anything other than Him.

So, for now, I'm waiting. I'm praying about what comes next, for my future husband, and for God's will to be done—that He would be my refuge and my strength. I'm filling my mind with goodness, beauty, and truth and continuing to learn how to serve and love. God is good; we can entrust every moment to His Divine Providence and protection.

"Father, into Your hands, I commend my spirit."-Luke 23:46


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1 Comment

Your family will always be here for you as you navigate life's heartaches. I am so glad you remain trusting in our Lord even when life does not make sense. You are such a blessing to our family, your parish, your friends, and to the world! I'm so glad to see you placing your future into the hands of the one who loves you most!!! If God has a future-husband for you, that guy is so, so, so, so blessed to have such a loving, devoted, faith-filled woman!! May God comfort you and anyone else who is going through a similar situation! ♥️

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