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Friendship: How to Find it and How to Keep it.

We, as humans are relational creatures. We're not created to be alone!! (Gen. 2:18) This journey that we are on towards Heaven is made so much easier when we have friends alongside us who are walking that same journey. So, that being said, how does one go about finding these friends?

How to find friendship:

-Pray!! Pray for God's guidance and direction. Pray that He'll lead you to good, holy friends. Trust me; He will!

- Attend a youth group or campus ministry events. These are fantastic ways to get connected with other like-minded people around your age.

- Go on a retreat! Some of my closest friendships have been formed through going on retreats. Steubenville conferences are awesome for that, and also, I've found that just going on Vocation retreats and meeting other people who might not be from your area is really beautiful. Sometimes dioceses have annual high school or middle school retreats and diocese-wide youth events, which can be really fun. Who knows? If you stay in touch after the retreat, it could turn into a lifelong friendship <3

- Don't be afraid to say hello. Smile! Most people are not that scary and will be nice 😊

- Don't rush it! Just like any other relationship, trust takes time to grow. And if you start to get to know the person more and discover, "oh, wow, this girl isn't who I thought she was..." then there's no harm done in taking a step back.

How to keep friendships:

Great! You've found a lovely friend! What's next?

- Communicate! If there's a problem, talk it out.

- Have so much fun together! The best friends, in my experience, are those with who you can be super serious one minute and watch singing dog videos the next. 😜

- Pray with and for them. Invite your friend (whether they are Catholic or not!) to come to Mass, youth group, adoration, etc., with you! You have a tremendous influence over the people you spend time with, and if you can lead them to Christ, that is absolutely amazing. Let Christ's light shine through you!

- If things start going downhill (there's too much drama; they're heading down a wrong path and dragging you with them; they constantly complain, etc.), it's definitely okay to distance yourself from them. Who we surround ourselves with is who we become. If ending a friendship will help you be freer to follow Christ and be who He's created you to be, then it is absolutely okay to do that. It isn't easy in the moment, but it is worth it. And you WILL make more friends! 😊 And nothing says that you have to end the friendship altogether. You could still keep in touch, just not spend as much time together or as often.

I've been so blessed to have wonderful friends and my boyfriend, who are leading me to Heaven. We pray together, laugh together, and have fun together. It's amazing what happens to relationships when you let God in and let Him have control. And even more importantly than any of this, Jesus is your friend. As one of my favorite songs says, "Jesus is a friend of mine!" (not actually my favorite, it's just hilarious!!)

He literally became man. God became man. For YOU. To walk this journey with you. He is head over heels in love with you!! Friendship with Christ is the most important friendship you can have and nurture. All other relationships should flow from relationship with Him.

I hope this post helps encourage you in your quest to find true friendship! If you have any questions or need clarification, feel free to comment below. You are in my prayers!

Have a great day!


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