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Happy Divine Mercy Sunday!!

Happy Divine Mercy Sunday! This feast day in the Church celebrates God's infinite mercy and love for us.

The devotion to Divine Mercy came from a young Polish nun, Sister Maria Faustina Kowalska of the Blessed Sacrament when Jesus appeared to her while she was in her cell at the convent. He gave her many messages, all of which she wrote in her diary*, along with a prayer called the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. This prayer is SO POWERFUL!! It can literally get even the most hardened of sinners to heaven. Jesus also told Sr. Faustina to pray the chaplet for those who are dying and those who have already died and He will show them great mercy. The apparitions and the prayers have been approved by the Church and Sr. Faustina is now a saint (yay!!!) Here's her story:

Jesus' mercy is so overwhelming that no human mind can even begin to fully understand how much He wants to give us His mercy and love.

If you've never prayed the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, today would be an excellent day to start. Here's a guide for how to pray it: It's a very easy prayer and it doesn't take long at all. Jesus has promised great graces to souls who recite it devoutly each day.

Another amazing thing about Divine Mercy Sunday is that all of our sins and punishments for them are wiped clean today if we receive communion and go to confession (Or for those of us in COVID-19 areas, pray a spiritual communion prayer and make a sincere act of contrition). **

Today, thank Jesus for his gift of mercy. Tell him you love Him, and repent of your sins. Jesus doesn't need to be merciful, but He is, because that's just how much he loves us.

If you've not "been" to Mass yet today, here are the links to YouTube mass by some of my favorite priests :-)

Always remember that Jesus loves you. His mercy is infinite and His love is never-ending. No matter what you've done He is always there to welcome you back with open arms. Run to Him. Allow His love to overflow from your life into the lives of those around you. May God bless you on this Divine Mercy Sunday and always <3

* This diary is published and available to purchase. It's amazing and you should definitely check it out :-)

** Diary 699. Also, let's pray for all those souls who have died as a result of the Coronavirus.


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