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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen



I'm not talking about, "oh, the sun came up again, it's a miracle!" type of miracles. I'm talking about real, genuine science-defying miracles.

I've experienced three in my short lifetime and heard of many, many more. This semester and last, I've been attending a book study with one of the priests on campus. Last semester's book was Healing: Bringing God's Gift of Mercy to the World by Dr. Mary Healy. This book is absolutely incredible and has opened my eyes to the power of the Holy Spirit. (I could talk about this for hours...) You see, by virtue of our being Children of God, we, too, have the same power in the Holy Spirit as Jesus was given at His Baptism. When the sky opened, and the spirit came upon Jesus in the form of a dove, the sky never closed again- the "dove" never left. The same power of the Spirit of God that Jesus used to perform miracles, heal the sick, bring sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, speech to the mute, and even bring the dead to life, is still available to us. I've seen it firsthand.

When I was twelve years old, I had already endured almost two years of chronic illness. I had a headache that lasted 1 year and 11 months straight with very, very few pain-free days. With this came migraines on top of my baseline headache, as well as horrible stomach issues, anxiety, and medication side effects galore. It got to be a year and eleven months in. I was in the ER for some extreme pain I was having after having a nerve block done by my PA in Philly. It was Dec. 12- the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe- and my mom and I were praying the Rosary while I tried to rest. The on-call doctor came in and checked on me. They were going to start a more aggressive treatment soon since I wasn't improving. A few minutes later, as we finished up our Rosary, the pain was gone. No pain. Nothing. The doctors had no medical explanation for it. It has never come back since. I give all the credit to Jesus and to Our Lady of Guadalupe.

The second instance came just a few months ago. I found a lump on the side of my leg below my knee, and after a few days, it wasn't going away or getting any smaller, and I was ready to make an appointment to get it checked out. I have multiple chronic illnesses (though not the headaches!!), and anything additional that I find needs to be taken care of quickly. I went to the book study on healing that night, and as we wrapped up, I asked the group to please pray for me, that this thing on my leg would go away. Instead of simply interceding for me, they stopped, and prayed over me. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, my priest led us in prayer as we commanded the pain to go away and asked Jesus to take it away. Father asked me, "How do you feel?" I couldn't stop smiling, which was the first thing I noticed. My leg was also warm and sort of tingly. And I reached down and felt the spot on my leg where the lump had been. Gone. No swelling. No pain. Nothing. Our God can make even bodily tissue disappear!! He can heal anything! Everything! It hasn't come back since.

The third happened just last Friday. A couple of weeks ago, I woke up to a dislocated knee cap (I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and my body doesn't like to stick together the way that it's supposed to.) After I popped it back in, I was still in pain, so I wore a brace and stopped going to the gym for a week. After that week, I tried going to the gym again, and my knees were sliding around and very clearly not stable. Fast forward to Friday. I was meeting with my priest, and as we were finishing up our discussion, He offered to pray for the healing of my knee. I, of course, said yes, and he prayed over my knee. The muscles and joints in my leg were spontaneously moving, and my leg was warm and tingly as Father prayed over me, and we prayed that the pain would be gone and all of the bones, joints, etc, would go back to where they were supposed to be. I didn't notice any immediate change, but later that day, and since then, I have been able to run, jump, and dance... today I took a 1.5-mile hike. No knee pain!! I'll try the gym tomorrow, but I know God healed my knee. He healed my leg. He healed my head. And He wants to heal you, too.

Just today, after Mass, there was a woman who was healed and was pain-free for the first time in a very long time. He wanted to heal her. He wants to heal you.

Friends, God may allow pain and suffering but never WANTS it for us. He wants to heal us and use our sufferings to benefit us and those around us. Even if He does not physically heal us when we want it, how we want it, when we ask for healing, we can be certain and have faith that He is healing us, He is working in, and through us, and even if we are called to suffer in a certain way, He will still heal us in other ways, even if we can't quite see them.

If you take nothing else from this, please make it this: God is real. He loves you. He wants to heal you, and He wants to work through you to heal others. The Holy Spirit is alive and well in the Body of Christ- will you let Him be alive and well in you?

If you have questions about healing, what I have experienced, or would like prayers for healing, please let me know! I will pray for you (and with you when I can, if you'd like) and find answers to any questions you might have.


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