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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

Highs, Lows, God Moments, and Healings.

One thing that the FOCUS missionaries on my campus like to do with us to start out our Bible studies is have us share a high, low, and God moment from the week. It's fairly self-explanatory... you share one "high", or fun, exciting, or happy thing that happened during your week; one "low" or sad, difficult, scary, etc. time from your week so that your friends can pray for you, and a God moment, a time when you encountered the Lord and saw Him working throughout your week.

Today I want to share with you some of my highs, lows, and God moments from the past couple of weeks just to give you an update and ask for some prayers.

To start off with the "highs"...

My boyfriend got accepted to a new college which is only about ten minutes away from where I am attending school now!

I got a new prayer journal.

We held a bingo for the SFU Respect Life Club and made a lot more money for a pregnancy care center than we had accepted.


I got to go home for fall break and be with my family.

I found a time management and planning system that works well for me.

I did well on my midterms.

My roommate and I got a TV for free!

Now the lows...

Seasonal depression is kicking in (but I'm trying to kick it back!!!) Pain. Not fun.

It's cold outside.

God moment...

This one topped them all this week. To preface this, I'm currently in a book study that is reading the book "Healing: Bringing the Gift of God's Mercy to the World" by Mary Healy. We've been talking and learning about how the ministry and miracles of healing are not something confined to the early Church, but are something that we are called to practice as well, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Fantastic book. I'd highly recommend it.

Anyway... back to my God moment. This past Thursday I had been at work all morning and got done with my shift at twelve to go to Mass. I had a migraine and was feeling really sleepy. Instead of suffering through it, gritting my teeth, and trying to tough it out, I was honest with Jesus. I told Him that my head hurt really badly and I was trying so hard to stay awake for Him. And then I asked for healing. I prayed all through Mass, "Jesus, I know you can heal me. I trust that you want to heal me. You've done it before and I know that you will do it again. I trust you."

And then He did.

It took me a few moments to realize it, but as soon as the Host touched my tongue, my migraine was gone and I could stay awake to pray. I could concentrate on praying and communing with Jesus, and was even able to go to lunch with my friends afterward instead of going back to my room to lie down.

I was so comforted by the fact that He had healed me that I started telling random people... my friends, the lady who made my sandwich for lunch, girls in the Bible study I was leading... pretty much anyone who asked how my day was going. It was incredible, and I'd like to think that Jesus healed me partially so that even just one of those people, or someone who overheard, would put their trust in Him.

Granted, my migraine did come back later in the day, though to a lesser intensity, and I've been in a lot of pain in other ways since then, but there is no doubt in my mind that Jesus healed me, even if my being pain-free was only for a few hours. I'm so grateful.

I'm sharing this also to encourage you to pray for healing. Pray for your own healing, both physical and emotional, and for that of your friends and family. Every single person is going through something different and difficult. You might be the only person who has the faith to pray for their healing. Whether you pray with and over them or simply in the silence of your heart, know that our Lord hears our prayers and will heal us when the time is right.

I'm praying for you!


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2023년 10월 15일

God is good! I love this high, low and God moment practice!

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