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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

It's Your Turn~ The Catholic Teen Life Blog needs YOU!

Hi friends!

Is there something you've always thought the world needed to know about Catholicism? Something you believe if other teenagers heard, they couldn't help but be inspired to live their lives for Christ? Do you have a fantastic story- or even your testimony- that you'd like to share with other Catholic teens but aren't quite sure how? Do you have a piece of advice for others? A Catholic small business, book, or blog recommendation? A prayer intention? An essay relating to the Church that you wrote for school? Something else?!

If you said yes to any of those questions, I need your help. I leave for college this week, which unfortunately means I (most likely) will not have much time to blog. However, I still want to keep this blog as a resource for YOU. And for that reason, I'd like you to consider helping me, and many other Catholic teens, by sharing what you think the Catholic Teen world needs to know.

If you are a Catholic teen (or young adult, or adult, youth minister, parent of a teen, or just really love being Catholic...) and you have something you'd like to say to Catholic teenagers, please message me through the "contact" tab on the home page of the blog with:

  1. What you'd like to tell Catholic teens!

  2. Your first name (or a nickname or be left anonymous) and/or Instagram account name

  3. Anything else you'd like me to know or about which you have questions!

There is no minimum or maximum word count for the writing and no deadline for submission. I also cannot provide any monetary compensation as I do not get paid for my blog! Your writing submission is simply a chance for you to give other Catholic teens your words of wisdom. 😉 I'll preview and proofread everything before I post it :-)

If you are a fellow Catholic blogger, do you have any tips for fitting in time for your blogging ministry when life gets super busy? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Please keep me in your prayers as I prepare for and begin this next step in my life! I'm attending a Catholic college and am excited to see what the Lord has in store. I'm so excited to hear all of your great ideas and words of wisdom to share with the Catholic Teen world! May God bless you always!

In His mercy,

Catholic Teen


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