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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

Jesus, Our King

Updated: Nov 24, 2020

Happy Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe! Today we are reminded that Christ is our ultimate King. No matter how big and powerful we are in this world, at the end of our lives, we will stand before the Father and King and give an account of how we loved. And that can seem scary, as we are fallen creatures. But God is love, and we are loved by Love. The remarkable thing about our King, the True King, is that He loves each of us intimately and completely and he wants us to and gives us the chance to live with him forever in His kingdom. And He doesn't just tell us this because He wants to gain our votes or support. (He's God, He doesn't need to be voted for!!) Christ tells us that we will be with Him in His kingdom, not by doing amazing things, being a celebrity, having a lot of money, but simply by loving those around us. When we love people, we are loving Christ who lives inside their hearts (whether they know it or not!)

No matter who our political and societal leaders are wherever we live in the world, we always need to remember that Christ is the ultimate King and He alone is powerful. Sometimes our leaders don't act the way that they ought. Sometimes they say that they are one thing and then act completely different. Sometimes they believe in killing children in the name of "choice". When we see these people acting so contrary to everything that faith and science and basic logic teaches us, we don't need to be afraid of them or discouraged. God is in control. Every single one of us, at the end of our earthly lives, will get to face our ultimate King, Lord, Lover, and Judge.

It's very important to remember that we are obligated to follow Christ's rules, not those of the "kings" of this world. This is not to say that we shouldn't follow governmental rules. We should always follow the laws of our country to the extent that they are morally acceptable. (St. Thomas More is a great example of this). If a government is decent, its rules and laws will help people follow God's law, not help them to break it. If a leader is telling us to do something that is contrary to faith and science and basic logic, we need to say no, and we need to let them know that what they are doing is wrong. This can be difficult, but we can ask Christ for the strength to do what is right in His eyes, no matter what others may say, or think, or do.

So, in the midst of all the political turmoil, confusion, and deceitfulness so much present in our world today, let's remember just one thing: Jesus Christ is the one, True King. His laws are our laws, and we should do what He says, not necessarily what other leaders want us to do. We thank God for those who are doing what they can, whether directly or indirectly, to help build up His Kingdom. For those who are not doing their best in promoting a culture of life, of peace, and of simple common sense, we need to pray for them as well, that the Light of Christ will outshine the darkness of their lives.

Jesus Christ, in your mercy and power, please transform our country and bring us back to you!


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