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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

Mini Bible Study- Proverbs 31

Our culture has thrown aside the fact that a woman of worth and dignity is more precious than almost anything else in the world. Fortunately, we can remind our world of this by striving to live out God's plan for women. This Summer I've been attending a Bible study on Proverbs 31 at my parish. I got so much out of it, and it has completely changed my outlook on femininity, marriage, and motherhood. I would like to share some of my notes from the Bible study with you in this post. I pray that it will touch your heart as it did mine and inspire you to live out God's plan for your life. This blog post is sort of long, so you might need to read it in more than one sitting, but I encourage you to get your Bible out, take some notes, and read along with me! Please let me know in the comments section if you enjoy this post and would like to see other Bible study posts like it (or any other comments or questions you might have). Enjoy!

General Notes:

  • Proverbs 31 is the only known chapter in the bible written by a woman.

  • It is written as a poem so needs some dissection to understand the true meaning.

  • In this chapter, a queen is writing to her son telling him what kind of woman he should marry.

  • Proverbs 31 provides a model for women in all Vocations, not only married life.

  • Being a Proverbs 31 Woman is impossible without Christ.

Proverbs 31:1-9~

  • Queen Mother giving her son advice... not yet the main part of the chapter, but still valuable.

Proverbs 31:10~ "Who can find a woman of worth? Far beyond jewels is her value."

  • A Godly woman is infinitely valuable to her family and society.

  • She knows her dignity and expects to be treated with it.

Proverbs 31:11~" Her husband trusts her judgment; he does not lack income."

  • Her husband trusts her with the household affairs and is able to provide for the family as a result.

  • Her husband trusts her in everything because he knows that she trusts God.

  • Ways to cultivate trust in any relationship:

  • Good, structured prayer time

  • Purity of thought

  • Forgive from the heart, even when it’s hard

  • Thankfulness

  • Try not to talk about other people badly behind their back

  • Avoid gossip

  • Speak the truth in love (communicate with respect)

  • Never lie

  • Practice discretion

  • Modest dress

  • Take full advantage of the sacraments

  • Bottom line: Imitate Mary! She and Joseph, (and she and God) had to trust each other completely.

Proverbs 31:12~ “She brings him profit, not loss, all the days of her life” *THIS ONE IS MY FAVORITE!!*

  • Marriage is a life of service to another.

  • Marriage is a covenant, (an exchange of persons), not a contract (exchange of goods or services).

  • Her husband’s work increases in quality under her supervision and help.

  • A woman’s ultimate purpose is to be a helper.

  • Imitate Christ, who withheld nothing from His spouse, the Church.

  • Would you be willing to die on a cross for the other person?

  • She is committed to her future husband, even before they are married.

  • She is frugal in her time and money.

  • She offers all she can to her family, church, and community.

  • She brings her husband gain in all areas of his life: physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, financially, etc.

  • She loves her husband and brings out the best in him. He flourishes under her love.

  • She knows how to disagree and how to argue well.

  • She is forgiving and knows how to handle her emotions.

Proverbs 31:13~ “She seeks out wool and flax and weaves with skillful hands.”

  • She works joyfully

  • She values her identity as a wife and mother (Or spouse of Christ if she is in religious life)

  • She smiles frequently

  • She is cheerful!

  • Teenage application: Help around the house, but do it with a smile. :-)

Proverbs 31:14~ “Like a merchant fleet, she secures her provisions from afar”

  • She knows how to get what she and her family need.

  • Grocery shopping!

  • Laundry!

  • She’s organized and saves money and time.

Proverbs 31:15~ “She rises while it is still night and distributes food to her household, a portion to her maidservants.”

  • She will put her family before her own desires

  • Makes time to pray before she begins her day.

  • Wakes up before her family to prepare for their day.

  • Even takes care of non-household members before providing for her own desires

  • Teenage Application: Get up 10 minutes earlier than usual and spend some time with God before you start your day.

Proverbs 31:16~ “She picks out a field and acquires it; from her earnings she plants a vineyard.”

  • She budgets and spends her money wisely, in turn, putting it to good use.

  • She is wise with money and doesn't spend extravagantly.

  • Teenage Application: Budget your money and begin saving for the future.

Proverbs 31:17~ “She girds herself with strength; she exerts her arms with vigor.”

  • She keeps herself spiritually, mentally, and physically strong.

  • Teenage application: Keep your prayer life strong and exercise your brain and your body.

Proverbs 31:18~ “ She enjoys the profit from her dealings; her lamp is never extinguished at night.”

  • She enjoys what she does, knowing that even if she doesn’t make any extra money (stay-at-home/homeschool mom) that the profits of her work are happiness and holiness for her family.

  • Her light is always on for others.

  • She is supportive and is there when someone needs her.

Proverbs 31:19~ “She puts her hands to the distaff. Her fingers ply the spindle.”

  • She works hard.

Proverbs 31:20~ “She reaches out her hands to the poor and extends her arms to the needy.”

  • She is a helper.

  • She is frugal.

  • She cares for people in need.

  • She doesn’t live in her own little world but is in tune with the needs of her family and community.

  • Teenage application: Get involved in a service group at your school or parish, or find another way to serve those in need.

Proverbs 31:21~ “She is not concerned for her household when it snows- all her charges are doubly clothed.”

  • Her family is cared for.

  • Her household is in order.

  • She is prepared for pretty much anything!

  • She is prepared to meet Jesus when she dies.

Proverbs 31:22~ “ She makes her own coverlets. Fine linen and purple are her clothing.”

  • She is modest and takes care of her appearance.

  • She makes sure that she is dressed decently, even just around the home.

  • She dresses her children in a modest, decent manner.

  • Teenage Application: Dress like the BEAUTIFUL woman that you are!

Proverbs 31:23~ “Her husband is prominent at the city gates as he sits with the elders of the land.”

  • She doesn’t want to disappoint her family.

  • She recognizes that her actions and speech matter in the lives of her family.

  • She knows that she needs to act like the Christian that she is.

Proverbs 31:24~ “She makes garments and sells them, and stocks the merchants with belts.”

  • She has a hobby and uses it to profit her family.

Proverbs 31:25~ “ She is clothed with strength and dignity, and laughs at the days to come.”

  • She is positive, trusting that Jesus will take care of her and her family no matter what.

  • She surrenders her future to God.

  • Teenage Application: Trust God with your future. Ask Him what He wants for your life.

Proverbs 31:26~ “ She opens her mouth in wisdom; kindly instruction is on her tongue.”

  • She speaks lovingly and with wisdom.

  • She gives advice

  • She speaks gently

  • She is a teacher

Proverbs 31:27~ “She watches over the affairs of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.”

  • She takes care of her household.

  • She does not make others do the work for her.

  • She manages her time wisely and does not allow distractions to overcome her.

  • Teenage Application: Don’t waste your time on social media! Try to go a day without social media or digital games. See how much time you save!

Proverbs 31:28~ “Her husband and children rise up and call her blessed. Her husband too, praise her.”

  • Her family respects her.

  • When her children are grown they realize all she has done for them and who she is as a woman of God.

  • Her husband is proud of her!

Proverbs 31:29~ “Many are women of proven worth, but you have excelled them all.”

  • This is the ultimate praise from a husband!

  • She is noticed, loved, and appreciated by her family, mainly her husband.

Proverbs 31:30~ “Charm is deceptive and beauty, fleeting, but the woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”

  • She lives her faith and Vocation boldly.

  • She makes herself beautiful on the inside because she knows that she won't be physically beautiful forever.

Proverbs 31:31~ “Acclaim her for the work of her hands, and let her deeds praise her at the city gates.”

  • Her community knows her holiness, servitude, and goodness by her works.

  • God knows her deeds.

  • She will go to Heaven!

I know what you’re probably thinking… HOW IN THE WORLD IS THIS POSSIBLE?? This woman that the queen is describing seems soooo perfect.

The fact is until we get to Heaven, perfection isn’t possible. But we can try. God gives us each all the graces we need in order to get to Heaven. The bottom line of the Proverbs 31 Woman is that she strives for perfection, recognizing her littleness and imperfection, and yet knowing that God will make her holy through her efforts to fulfill her Vocation.

Another thing to recognize, any woman can be a Proverbs 31 Woman as long as she has Christ: nuns, religious sisters, single women, wives, mothers, girlfriends, anyone.

What I most admire about the Proverbs 31 Woman is her ordinary holiness. It is through the fulfillment of her inherent Vocation as a woman, to be a lover and a helper, that God makes her holy. She, as Saint Mother Teresa said, “does small things with great love.”

Lord, I want to live my life as the woman that You’ve created me to be. Please help me to put into practice the qualities and actions of the Godly woman described in Proverbs 31. Thank you for your Word and the ability to read, study, and understand it. Help me to do all things in love, and to be a cheerful giver in all of my relationships. I trust that You desire to make me holy and that You will give me the qualities necessary to fulfill Your plan for my life. Jesus, I trust in You!


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1 Comment

Aug 24, 2021

Wow...This was so great! I absolutely love Proverbs 31, and this study made it so much more meaningful to me. That is the kind of woman I want to be, and the way you did 'Teenage Application' under some of them, was helpful. I would love more of these Mini Bible Studies. Thank you so much for taking your time to write this. I loved it!

Keep up the great work :-)

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