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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe!


A blessed and happy solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe! This is my favorite day of the liturgical year. It's just so incredible. Like, think about it... Our Jesus. Whom we are in love with and who loves us in return, who cares about each and every tiny, seemingly insignificant moment of our lives, who sees you in our most joyful and sorrowful times, is literally the king of the universe!! That includes any possible aliens. Right? I'd think so. Might need to ask Jimmy Akin about that one. 🤣 But all jokes aside, our Jesus is greater. He's greater than all of the evil, strife, turmoil, war, famine, drought, poverty, and fear. He's greater than your big test tomorrow that you were going to skip Mass to study for. He's greater than sleeping in for an extra twenty minutes and losing your prayer time for the day. He's greater than all mental illness. He's greater than you. he's greater than me. He's the King over everything, every aspect of our lives.

Jesus is the King. We, the Church, are His bride. Friend, do you realize your dignity?! Do you realize that you have such an amazing privilege and responsibility? As a member of the royal family, you are an image of the kingdom. You must reflect the kingdom's values, morals, traditions, and laws. You are also responsible for defending the kingdom against all attacks from neighboring kingdoms. That being said, you must know the laws and teachings that the kingdom upholds. You must always reflect the kingdom in the way you dress and conduct yourself. You are set apart. At the same time, by the nature of your position, you are called to minister to those outside of the kingdom, and you will naturally draw them in by the goodness, beauty, and truth that you exude. You must draw them back to your spouse, the King, so they, too, can worship Him and come to know and love Him.

Friend, your King has gifted you with an amazing responsibility. But this day is not about you; it's not about me. It's about Him! It's about Our Lord Jesus Christ. It's about His kingdom—the Kingdom of Heaven. I invite you to reflect on that today as you go to Mass and go about your day. Think about your King... think about how good He is, how much He cares for His people. Think about who YOU are because of Him and about the responsibilities you are privileged to have because of your royalty. And most of all, thank Him. Thank our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe, for being your king and for making it possible for you to be a member of His Kingdom!


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1 Comment

Nov 21, 2022

Praise Our King! Yesterday is my favorite feast/solemnity, too! Thank you for this great post, daughter of our King! Keep on bringing His truth to others! The Holy Spirit works in you so beautifully! ❤️

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