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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

Pentecost Reflections...

Reflecting on today's feast of Pentecost has made me so grateful for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He has always guided me in my prayer, my interactions with others, and within my ministry, and I know He's guiding me in this quickly changing season of my life. The Holy Spirit wants to do this for you, too. Will you let Him?

I want to remind you that you were given special graces at your Confirmation to become stronger Christians and witnesses of Christ in the world. In addition, the Holy Spirit gives us so many gifts that enable us to live our lives as Christians on the way to Heaven! I am fascinated by the gifts of the Holy Spirit that I've been given and those I recognize in others.

Through your Confirmation, you have been called to a specific way to serve the Church. I don't know if you've found this way of ministry, but I promise you will. Whether it's being a lector or altar server at your parish, teaching a religious education class, making artwork that glorifies God, or even starting a blogging ministry or small business (like me!), I assure you, you are called for something great for God. The Lord takes our gifts, talents, and interests in mind when leading us to where we are meant to serve.

I invite you today to ask the Holy Spirit to begin a new chapter in your life. Renew your resolve to live as a Disciple of Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit and living your life spreading the Gospel. Starting a new chapter might mean you are called to change your lifestyle. You may need to make some changes in your life and relationships. Or not. God might simply be calling you to put Him first. To spend more time in prayer. To serve in a new way. But I have total faith in the Holy Spirit, and I promise you that the Holy Spirit will work if you ask Him to guide you in a new season in your life.

Today, on this feast of Pentecost, let's ask the Holy Spirit to make this day a renewal of our faith and a day to strengthen our resolve to live our lives for God!


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