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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

Prayer Journaling

Many young saints from the past couple of centuries are famous for their prayer journals. St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Faustina Kowalska, and Bl. Chiara Badano are just a few that come to mind!

Obviously, prayer journaling is a great tool that can help you to grow your prayer life and grow closer to God. It's also a great way to keep track of your life, times of desolation and consolation, and see how far you've come spiritually.

Personally, I have had an AMAZING experience with prayer journaling. I've had a prayer journal for about three years now, and I fill up about one journal every 9-ish months because I journal SO MUCH!!

Even if you don't like writing or don't already keep a journal, THAT'S OKAY! I encourage you to just give it a try. There are so many ways to do this, and it's totally between you and God. He'll guide you and I promise, you'll receive so many graces through it.

Letters to God:

I primarily do this type of journaling! Basically, it's just a regular journal. You can write about your day, what's going on in your life, things that are worrying you, but you make it into a prayer. This type of journaling has helped me so much in growing my prayer life and I am so grateful for the graces I've received! It helps me to be more aware of the Lord in my everyday life. It's also so beneficial to look back and see where and how much I've grown spiritually since I began journaling.

An example from my own journal looks like this:

(This is just in my own words, how I talk to God. Yours will probably look totally different, and that's completely great! God loves whichever way you speak to Him.)

Lord, I'm overwhelmed this morning. And why? I mean, I'm nervous about drama, but other than that I think I'm okay. Please give me peace and help it all to go well... I praise You, Lord, my Jesus. It's amazing to think that You walked this Earth. You were here. You are here in the Eucharist! But it's amazing to think that you were here. There is a stone your body was laid on; rooms you were in. The Bible is real! I think I'm somehow just now realizing the reality of it all. I want to learn more so I can live and love like you, Jesus.

Bible Journaling:

Bible journaling is such a beautiful way to dive deeper into God's Word! This has been such a big help to me. Bible Journaling is useful for so many people because it allows them to interact with the text in a very tangible way. It's fun to (reverently and respectfully) mark up the pages of your Bible with notes, highlighted passages, drawings, and prayers. You can take notes in the margins or in a separate journal about how God is speaking to you through Scripture. There is so much inspiration online and it's a great way to use your creativity (or for some of us, organizational skills...) to glorify God and dive deeper into Scripture. I have the Our Sunday Visitor Catholic Notetaking Bible. But I've also seen and like the looks of the Blessed is She Journaling Bible.

You can find some of my Bible journaling examples in my Instagram story highlights or just google "bible journaling" to see some examples.

Intention Journal:

A prayer intention journal is a great way to keep a prayer journal if you're not someone who particularly enjoys writing. You can make it your own, but what I do is write an intention, the date I wrote it down, and then once the prayer is answered I write down how it was answered and the date it was answered. It's a great exercise in trusting in God, His mercy, and His plan for our lives!

A prayer intention entry of mine might look like this:

That mom's sore throat will be better by the morning - 2/23/22

Yes, she's feeling better! Thank you, Lord!- 2/24/22

Gratitude Journal:

This is exactly what it sounds like! A gratitude journal is a journal in which you keep a list of things you want to thank God for. And there are so many ways to use this for prayer! You could write down what you're grateful for at the end of each day; go through your list daily or weekly and thank God for each thing on your list; or just use it as a way to reflect on and pray with your blessings, thanking God for all He's given you. As St. Gianna said, “The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for all that He, in His goodness, sends to us day after day.”

Journaling is a beautiful form of prayer, and I am confident that it will have a great impact on your spiritual journey if you give it a try! Do you have a prayer journal or a style of journaling that I haven't mentioned? I'd love to hear about it! Feel free to shoot me an email or comment below! God bless!


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