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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

Being a Pro-Life Catholic Teen

The Catholic Church is one of the biggest leaders in the Pro-Life movement all over the world today. We respect and value every human life, no matter the age or social stance, and believe that everyone, no matter what, should have the right to live.

So, you might be wondering, "What makes pro-lifers different from the rest of society?" The answer: A lot. We live in what is called a culture of death. A culture where lives are not valued and treated with dignity. We can see this particularly through the support for abortion, the death penalty, assisted suicide, and even just magazine covers in the checkout line at the grocery store. Being pro-life means being pro- all life. From the moment that a child is conceived in its mother's womb, it is entitled to all basic human rights and deserves to be treated as we would treat anyone who is living outside of their mother's womb. We are different because we see every human being in the image and likeness of God. We know that he has a spectacular plan for their lives and because they are created by Him for His purpose, they deserve to live. St. Gianna Beretta Molla is the patron saint of the Pro-Life movement. Her feast day is on April 28th, just 12 days from now. Over these next few days, I will be focusing on one of the most immoral tragedies and practices that our society has normalized: Abortion. I am going to be sharing different strategies and resources to counter abortion, as well as give you facts and statistics so that you will have the knowledge and tools to use to help save lives.

Abortion is by far the largest issue that the pro-life movement works to stop and definitely the most controversial. We, as a Church, need to spread the message of life and eradicate abortion. We don't just need to make abortion illegal, we need to make it unthinkable. If we are ever going to live in a world where people are valued and loved simply because they exist, abortion needs to end. We, as teenagers and the future adults and leaders of our world, have the power to bring back the dignity of life. And we will accomplish it. With God on our side, nothing is impossible.


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