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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

Reader Requested Topic: "How do I keep praying when it doesn't seem like God is listening?"

"How do I keep praying when it seems like God isn't listening?"

All of us have asked this question at some point in our lives. I certainly have.

Sometimes life gets hard and it doesn't seem like anything you do makes it better and you're not getting any comfort or answers from prayer.

So how do you keep praying? And WHY should you even bother?

Friend, Jesus went through this exact same thing. In the Garden of Gethsemane, the night before He died, Jesus felt abandoned. He KNEW in His head that His Father was still with Him, but in His Heart, He felt alone. When we are in situations in which we feel like God is far or isn't listening, we have the unique opportunity both to run to our Father and console Jesus' Heart.

It all comes down to TRUST. When you pray and pray and pray, and it seems like nothing's happening, maybe the best thing you can do is just stop. To pray means "to ask." So maybe, for a moment, stop asking. Stop asking and just be with your Father. Run to Him. When a child is afraid of something, they simply run to their parent to be protected and held. No, the fear doesn't go away immediately, but the embrace of the parent comforts and consoles the child while the parent resolves the problem and takes away whatever the child is afraid of. The child then TRUSTS their parent and can be at peace.

The only thing we need to do when we are unsettled and begging for answers is to run to God. Be still. Let Him hold us and TRUST that He is. The fear and pain might not go away immediately, but we can rest in our Father's embrace.

We also have the opportunity to console Jesus' heart. His entire mission was to bring us to the Father. Jesus wants us to run to the Father, empty our burdened hearts, and jump into His arms. When we TRUST, we console Him.

We can also begin our prayers by saying, "God, I know you're real. I know you're listening to me and working in my life." Then proceed in prayer and finally just run to Him and give everything to Him.

The most basic answer to your question is TRUST. Let go and let God. Run to Him. Your problems might not be fixed right away, but you will be consoled and Jesus will be consoled by your trust ❤️


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