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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

Reading and Reflection: Psalm 78:3-8

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

Read with me: Psalm 78:3-8 What we have heard and know; things our ancestors have recounted to us.

We do not keep them from our children; we recount them to the next generation,

The praiseworthy deeds of the LORD and his strength, the wonders that he performed.

God made a decree in Jacob, established a law in Israel: Which he commanded our ancestors, they were to teach their children;

That the next generation might come to know, children yet to be born. In turn they were to recount them to their children,

that they too might put their confidence in God, And not forget God’s deeds, but keep his commandments.

They were not to be like their ancestors, a rebellious and defiant generation, A generation whose heart was not constant, and whose spirit was not faithful to God. Reflect with me:

God commanded the Israelites to teach their children the faith of their fathers. They would learn, mature, and grow, and then teach the same to their children and younger siblings and friends. Why should that be any different for us?

Even though you may be a parent anytime in the near future, you are called to pass on the faith to your spiritual children- teaching them "the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD and his strength, the wonders that he performed." Each of us is called in a particular way to teach those around us, including the next generation of God's people- young or old- about the Lord and His goodness.

How will you do this if you aren't already? For me, this looks like blogging, helping to lead retreats, and just loving people as best as I possibly can. It's quite simple: if you live your life for God, others around you will learn about He and His love through your virtue and example! It's so incredible.

Our world is thirsting for love- thirsting for God. Will you be the one to show someone the love that God has for them? Hopefully, then, your influence and prayers will inspire them to "put their confidence in God, And not forget God’s deeds, but keep his commandments."

Pray with me: "Lord, my God, and Father,

How are you calling me to pass on the truth of who You are and what You've done to those around me? Is there a certain way that you want me to love your people? A certain person or group of people who you want me to focus on in my prayer and ministry- who will be my spiritual children? Help me to pass on the faith as the Israelites did to future generations. I want to bring you glory, Lord! I want to make known your love and mercy and all you have done for us! Thank you for the people who have shown me your deeds, strength, and wonders throughout my spiritual life and those who will do so in the future. Love, Your beloved Child who trusts in You."


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