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Saint of the Month

If you didn't already know, the home page of this website features a new saint each month. Sometimes it's because a saint has a feast day during that month, or it's just because they're really cool and I can't wait to write about them :-) You can find the section on the home page, right above the "contact" section.

This month's saint isn't actually a saint yet, but she's been declared blessed by the Church, so pray for her canonization!

Below is the story of Bl. Imelda Lambertini, a girl with an amazing love for our Eucharistic Lord. Please pray for her intercession for my little sister who will be receiving Jesus for the first time in the Holy Eucharist in a couple of weeks!

Bl. Imelda Lambertini

The Story: Bl. Imelda Lambertini was only 9 years old when she went to live with the Dominican sisters near Bologna in Italy. She had an amazing faith in Christ and a great love for the Eucharist. It is said that all she wanted to do was receive Jesus! One day while she was in prayer, a light described as "The Light of The Host" was seen over her head. Her priest, upon seeing this, felt compelled to allow her to receive her first communion. After she had received Jesus, she went back to her pew to pray. She remained there for a while, and one of the nuns whom she lived with came to check on her. She was still kneeling in prayer with a huge smile on her face. The Sister later called her name, and when she was not given a response, went to check on the little girl. She was found to be dead, and had died out of pure love and joy from receiving her dear Lord. Ironically, one thing she would often say is, "Tell me, can anyone receive Jesus into his heart and not die? " This little girl who possessed such great faith and love for Christ is one whom we should all desire to imitate. Her love and short life greatly demonstrate the power of our dear Eucharistic Lord.

Patron: First Communicants


Lord, you instilled in Bl.Imelda Lambertini a great love for You in the Eucharist. Help us always to imitate that same love so that we too may one day be present at the Eucharistic feast in Heaven with you.

Bl. Imelda, intercede for us before the Father and ask Him to grant us the grace to love His son with the same passion that you had, so that we may one day be present at the Heavenly banquet along with you and all of the saints and angels. Amen.

Sources: Catholic Online,,

(This story is posted on the home page in the Saint of the Month section)


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