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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

Sunday Musings...

Sundays are my absolute favorite day of the week, especially during the semester. A domestic, holy quiet spills into the world from Christ's home within His Church- each of us who receives His Body and Blood. Sunday is a "reset," if you will. Mind, body, and soul are reset and restored by the presence of Christ. We've been given this day of rest to do just that- rest. Yes, life gets hectic and some weekends it feels like we just aren't able to squeeze in even one extra minute to sit down and relax, but it is so, so important to fit in a Sabbath rest at some point during your week. Make time to rest, recharge, and let the Lord press that "reset" button :-)

How can we do this?

I have a really hard time resting. To sit and do nothing makes me feel... not rested 😂 But resting and resetting doesn't necessarily mean simply doing nothing. Your Sabbath rest can be uniquely yours and you can rest in the way that the Lord has made you capable of. Here are a few ways to do that...

Rest for your mind...

  • Journal!

  • Make extra time for prayer

  • Reflect on the past week and write a summary of your thoughts, feelings, and activities

  • Listen to praise and worship music

  • Take a break from schoolwork for all or part of the day

  • Spend time in silence

  • Read a book you've been wanting to finish for a while

  • Color in a coloring book

  • Plan out your week in a planner or journal

  • Plan and prep healthy and fulfilling meals for the week

  • Watch a TV show or movie that you enjoy

  • Spend time with friends and family- or don't! Whatever gives you more energy.

Rest for your body...

  • Give yourself permission to NOT push your body to its limits.

  • Take a break from your exercise routine to let your body rest

  • ... or exercise more if you don't already!

  • Go for a walk

  • Make and eat a yummy meal

  • Make or buy yourself a fun warm drink

  • Stretch!

  • Take a nap

  • Wear a cute outfit

  • Go to bed early

  • Or just wear sweatpants after church because they're comfy

  • Lay in your bed and do nothing. Really. It's okay.

Rest for your soul...

  • Go to Mass (0bviously)

  • Pray the Rosary with your family or by yourself

  • Write in a prayer journal

  • Find a parish that keeps the church unlocked and pray there for a while.

  • Study the Bible

  • Think about what you're thankful for

  • Listen to Christian podcasts

  • Go to confession or make an examination of conscience

  • Read a spiritual book or learn about a Saint

For example, today I began my morning with some prayer before doing some homework. Then I went to Mass, brunch with my friends, and then got coffee before making some sticker packs for a Respect Life Club fundraiser later this week. Then I played cards with one of my friends, and now I'm listening to music and writing this while dinner is cooking and I'm going to read and watch Gilmore Girls before I get ready for bed and have more prayer time.

How do you enjoy making Sunday a day of rest? I'd love to hear your practices and ideas. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

- Colleen


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