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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

The Baptism of the Lord

In the Church, today marks the Baptism of the Lord, the end of the Christmas season, the beginning of ordinary time, and the start of Christ's public ministry.

Baptism in traditional Catholic theology is seen as a sacrament that releases us from sin, makes us children of God, members of Christ, and members of the Church. (CCC 1213) Today, we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord, which was different. Jesus received the Baptism of John. Besides cleansing the sins of the people, the Baptism of John also prepared their hearts to recognize the coming Messiah. Jesus did not need for either of those things: He was sinless and, of course, already knew that He was the Messiah. When He was baptized, Jesus sanctified water for regeneration and the beginning of the Christian life, and He also started His public ministry. By the Spirit coming upon Him in the form of a dove, the Proclamation of the Kingdom began, and Christ was "reborn" in a sense, leaving behind his hidden years and beginning his public ministry.

Let's focus on one specific part of the Gospel. (These words are near and dear to my heart. 😊):

“You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”

I was in a tough time in my life, feeling far from God and struggling with scrupulosity. As I sat in a Holy Hour, the priest guiding us through Lectio Divina of the Woman at the Well scripture said the words, "imagine Jesus saying to you: "You are my beloved, do not be afraid. With you I am well pleased." I that God was working through my priest and speaking directly to me. My Vocation had been on my mind, and at the time, I believed I was being called to religious life, so I took this as both a comfort to my suffering heart and a confirmation of my Vocation. Now, looking back and knowing I am not called to religious life, I see that God was claiming my heart for Himself, showing me my true Vocation- His beloved daughter- and that I don't need to be afraid of my sin.

I invite you to hear those words that the Lord spoke to Jesus in today's Gospel after His baptism. "You are my beloved. With you, I am well pleased." Hear those words and take them to heart. Yes, friend, God is speaking the same to you. You are so loved by God. Nothing you ever do will take that away. By the nature of your Baptism, you are forever a child of God and forever loved.

Jesus' Baptism paved the way for His public ministry- a ministry of healing bodies and restoring souls. Your Baptism paved the way for Your life in service to God and was just the beginning of your sacramental life in Christ: the start of a lifelong journey and ministry of radical love. Wherever you are on that journey, know that that is your mission- to love like Christ. Maybe you're just now realizing that Baptism is a higher calling. Or maybe you've known it for years. Wherever you are, know that You are a child of God by the virtue of your Baptism. He is pleased with you, simply because You are His.


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