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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

The Beauty of the Catholic Family

I went to Mass this morning at the local basilica by my college and was astounded by the number of families with small children. It's led me to reflect on the Vocation of families. Parents are called to reflect the Father's love to their children. Children are called to learn and grow under their parents' instruction, guidance, and love. Together, they show the world the life and love of the Holy Trinity!

Everything about our faith is familial. The Mass is a Divine Wedding Feast between us, the Bride, and Christ, the Divine Bridegroom. At the end of Mass, we are told to "Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life." Our love and unity with Christ is made fruitful by living with and for Him and spreading that love to all we encounter!

This is why I think it's so beautiful when families come to Mass and practice their faith! They're a beautiful symbol of the Divine Life with Christ that we are called to.

And also, I love when there's a baby that shakes her rattle while the organ is playing. That happened today. It was really nice. 🤣

It's so refreshing to see new life, young, life in the Church.

I encourage you, friends: if you believe God is calling you to be married someday, reflect on the immense responsibility you will be given in your marriage and life as a parent. You are called to lay down your life for your family and to reflect the love of Christ to each of them. You will be entrusted to care for, nurture, and protect the souls of your spouse and children! What a beautiful and immense responsibility to be gifted with.

Have a wonderful week, everyone!

In His mercy,

Catholic Teen


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1 Comment

Sep 25, 2022

I am so, so blessed to be the mother of such a beautiful Catholic Teen! ❤️ This was such a sweet article! It reminded me of all the fun things you used to at Mass when you were younger. 😊 I love loving you and your siblings (and your Dad)! 🤗 God is so good to us to give us each other! I pray that many, many others realize how blessed they are to be family, and, with God's loving help, will build loving families that bring children up to know, love, and serve the Lord first and foremost. 🙏

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