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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

The Best News of All

In these difficult times of disease and general unrest, it is hard to turn on a television or look at social media without seeing more bad news. You may think that nothing good is happening.

I'm here to tell you that you are wrong.

Good news is all around us, and we can see that in the miracles that are occurring every day! Babies are being born, people are joining the Church, people are getting married, and best of all, Jesus Christ has overcome all of the evil in our world! In John 16:33, Jesus says “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Jesus does not deny that we will have trouble and go through difficult times, but He tells us to not give up, to take heart, because He, the one who, along with His Father and the Holy Spirit, is the very heartbeat of the universe, has overcome the world. Love has won! Evil and sin and death no longer triumph over the world! You are not held captive by your sin!

No matter what is going on in your life, no matter who you are or what you've done, the good news today is that you are loved by Jesus Christ. He gave up His life for you and loved you even to the point of dying for you. Through these actions, Jesus lives out the phrase "I would rather die than live without you." Jesus died a horrific death on a cross so that you might have eternal life with Him. This is not just one Catholic Teen saying this, it is what Jesus Christ, Son of God, King of the Universe, is telling you. He loves you, specifically! You were on Jesus' mind when He was hanging on the cross.

I want you to do something right now. I want you to read this sentence and then repeat the next one out loud.

I am loved by Jesus Christ, son of God, and He has overcome my world.

Take heart, dear friend! Jesus Christ loves you and that news is the best news of all. Don't be afraid to open the door of your heart to Him. This is an invitation to all of you, Catholic or not. Do not be afraid. Ask Jesus to overcome your world. Ask Him to heal you and to strengthen you. He loves you and wants to be loved by you. He alone has the power to take away all of your anger, sadness, fear, and anxiety. Nothing and No one else can do that. Without Christ, there is no joy. There is no happiness. Do you want to be happy? Come to Jesus. Do you want to be freed from your sin? Come to Jesus. Do you want to be loved in a way that you've never been loved before? Come to Jesus. You can come to Him first in your heart, but then if you want an even deeper relationship, through the sacraments of the Catholic Church which are given by Christ Himself. Every single human being on this earth is given the opportunity to receive into their soul the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ through the sacrament of the Eucharist. Every single sin ever committed by anyone still on the face of the earth can be washed away through the sacraments of Reconciliation and Baptism. The sacraments are a huge part of the good news that I am sharing with you today because it is through them that Christ gives us physical evidence of His amazing love for us!

There can be no better news than what I am sharing with you today because when you realize that it is true, you will have no reason to be afraid of any of the bad news of the world! And nothing, not a pandemic, war, protestors, nor the government, can ever make the Good News false. Jesus loves you and He will for all eternity! He has overcome the world, including all of the bad news in it! If you believe this and trust in Jesus, you will have peace and joy so abounding that no bad news will cause you anxiety or fear because you are trusting that Jesus is in control.

Take heart, dear friend. Christ has overcome the world! You are immensely loved by He who sets you free.

As you would with any other good news, please share this post with as many people as possible!!!


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1 Comment

Nancy Kinsella
Aug 11, 2020

Thank you for this hopeful and inspiring message. Just what we need ! I will pass it on.

Praise God!

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