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Vocations Resources

Here are some resources for those of you discerning your Vocation! They are wonderful videos, websites, and books for anyone and everyone who is, or ever will be, discerning their Vocation (which means pretty much everybody...)


Vision Vocation Match-

A vocation match quiz that forms a list of possible religious orders for you based on your interests and state of life. It's also completely free! The rest of the website also has some great resources.

Imagine Sisters-

A great resource for young women in their discernment! This organization works to "expose the beauty of religious life" as they say on their website. They also have a Youtube channel and are present on various other forms of social media.

Religious Brotherhood-

This website serves as a resource for men feeling called to serve God in a community of Religious Brothers.

The USCCB website has some wonderful resources for discernment, as well as information on pretty much everything related to Catholicism. It's definitely a useful website!

Most diocesan websites will have information on discerning a call to the Priesthood. I won't mention any specific diocesan websites here, but a quick search will give you lots of resources for discernment.



Discernment Do's and Dont's: A Practical Guide to Vocational Discernment-

Called by God: Discernment and Preparation for Religious Life-

(I've read this book and I can tell you with complete honesty that it is 100% AMAZING!!!)

Here is a Rosary for Vocations:

No matter what sort of Call you are discerning, it is always helpful to talk to a Priest, Brother, Sister, or Married couple.. They have been through the discernment process for big decisions such as these! They know what it feels like to "step out of the boat" for Jesus, and would probably be glad to help you out. :-)

These are just a few of the very numerous resources out there for discernment. Please comment below to suggest any other resources that have been helpful to you or someone you know!


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