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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

Waiting with God

What are you waiting for?

We're all waiting for something from God. I know for me, most recently, it's been waiting for Him to show me His plan for my life. But maybe for you, it's waiting to be restored to health. Perhaps you're waiting for God to lead you to the person who you're supposed to marry or the Vocation you're supposed to be in. Waiting can bring up so many emotions, sometimes more negative than positive. It's hard not knowing what's coming next.

Waiting seems so monotonous. So boring. So pointless. But, guess what?! It doesn't have to be!!

How can you, in whatever your situation is, give your waiting to God?

God takes every situation we give Him and redeems it. He has a bigger plan. If you're like me and you were discerning God's path for your life, don't just say "I'm discerning" and then do nothing about it... pray for God's guidance! Explore your options! Speak about your options with people from different backgrounds! God DOES have a plan, and He WILL reveal it to you. But you do have to cooperate.

When we give our season of waiting to God, He can use it for good. Just because you seem to be stuck in a holding pattern, not quite knowing what the next step is, doesn't mean that God can't use you. Think of the Israelites. It's easy to imagine how they felt since we are currently in the Advent season and waiting to celebrate Christ's coming. They spent thousands of years waiting for this Messiah that they had heard about for so long! There must've been times that the Israelites were so discouraged because everything was such a mess that it didn't seem like God could possibly be working in their lives. We can get the same way. It's hard to see God in the waiting. It's hard not knowing what's coming next or how God will work it all out. But those Israelites, all along, when they tried to stay faithful to God (even though they frequently failed, as do we), God was using them to bring about the coming of their Messiah. When we give our waiting to God and ask Him to use it, to use us, and to be in that time of waiting with us, we can rest assured that He will and that eventually, the waiting will be over, and His plan will be revealed.


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