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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

We Stand Along that Road

We, too, stand along the road that Jesus traveled on into Jerusalem in the times of consolation in our lives.

We, too, wave palm branches in praise of our Lord when we praise Him for all He has done.

We, too, place our cloaks on the road, knowing He is too great for even His donkey's hoofs to touch the dirt road when we sacrifice our own comfort in order to praise Him and keep Him company.

We, too, unashamedly shout praise to Him when we know we will not be ridiculed.

Soon after,

We, too, sacrifice Him in the place of our own desires when we place other things above Him.

We, too, deny that He is ours and we are His when we are afraid to praise Him because others disapprove.

We, too, shout "Crucify Him, crucify Him!" when we knowingly sin.

We, too, stand along the road upon which He carries His cross and watch Him die a horrible death for our sake.

And yet,

He still loves us. He loves us with the greatest love. Even to the point of death, even death on a cross (Philippians 2:8). Even after all we've done, He still loves us. He forgives us. He loves and serves perfectly and consistently, even when we ignore His presence.

In our fickleness as human beings, He remains steady in His love.

Let's remember that as we enter Holy Week.


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