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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

What a Time to Be Alive!

We are living in an incredible time of history. This past week has shown us, once again, that despite the pandemic, despite the political strife, and amidst the lies and deception and death, both physical and spiritual, our God is still good. Jesus is still risen. He still has power over evil, and good will always win. Life will always win. What a time to be alive- our generation has witnessed so much evil, but also so much goodness, truth, and life. We are called to be witnesses to God's mercy and love, and the Truth that life will always triumph over death.

This week, on June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court overturned the Roe v. Wade Decision. This established abortion laws as decisions to be made by state legislatures and not by the federal government.

Friends, this means that in some states in the United States of America, abortion is illegal! There are children who were scheduled to die this week that will live! Those babies will have birthdays. Those moms will not have to live with the pain, both mental and physical, that stay with them for years after they have an abortion. God is so good!

Friends, as Catholics, we are called to be pro-life. Pro-ALL life. Every single human being on this earth, no matter their beliefs, circumstances, location, or level of development, is made in the image and likeness of God and thus, is worthy of love and deserves the right to live. The fight for all human beings to have the basic right to live is not over. Abortion is not totally illegal (yet!!). In the states that do still allow abortion, we must keep voting for, working for, and praying that life will win. In the states that have outlawed abortion, our main job is to support the women and their children who will be most affected by this decision and to keep voting for pro-life politicians. It's not enough to simply say we're pro-life- we have to live like we're pro-life. That means supporting the moms who were/are considering abortion financially, spiritually, physically, and just by being with them to listen. It's our job to be the voice of love- of life- and to let them know how precious they, and their babies, are.

Mercy is performed by word, deed, and prayer. My challenge for you today is to resolve to show mercy to moms and their babies. How will you show them mercy through your words? It could be in person or through social media. How will you show them mercy through your actions? Will you join a pro-life group? Donate your time or resources to a pregnancy care center? Offer to babysit for a mom in need? How will you show mercy through your prayers? Will you spiritually adopt an unborn child? Pray in front of an abortion clinic? Offer up your Rosary or Chaplet of Divine Mercy for moms and their babies?

What an amazing time to be alive. Truth is on our side, love is winning, and LIFE is winning. We can never back down and we must not be afraid, no matter what comes our way. The pro-life generation will continue to work for the safety and protection of all human life until every man, woman, and child, born and unborn, is treated with the dignity and protection they deserve. We ARE the post-Roe generation!

*If you (or someone you know) are considering an abortion, have had an abortion, need some help dealing with your pregnancy or getting resources, want to know more about the pro-life movement, or just aren't quite sure what you believe, click here to view Live Action's Resource page!

Also, please contact me (click the link and scroll to the contact form) with questions, if you'd like more resources, or if you need some pro-life apologetics help!

Also, this is the 200th post on the Catholic Teen Life blog! I'd love if you'd subscribe if you haven't already done so. 😊 God bless!


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1 Comment

Jul 01, 2022

Beautifully written! God is so good! Life is precious!

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