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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

What is Abortion and Why is it so Wrong?

Updated: Apr 18, 2020

So, we know that we, as Catholics, are pro-life. And we know that one of the practices we are working to eliminate is abortion, but do we really know what abortion is? One of the most important things about having a system of beliefs is knowing what you stand for and knowing how to tell right from wrong. If we are ever to effectively convince others of the truth that abortion is an evil and immoral practice, we need to know what abortion is and why it is immoral. In this post, we are going to discuss what abortion really is and why it is so wrong.

What is abortion?

From the Oxford Dictionary: “The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy”

Abortion is done deliberately. This means that it is done on purpose and that there is a reason for doing it. It is not a miscarriage in which the child is killed by natural reasons. Abortion terminates things, in this case, the life of the child that is living in its mother's womb until it is old enough to survive outside of the womb. Therefore, we can reasonably conclude that abortion is the purposeful killing of a child while it is still residing in its mother's womb.

Abortion is performed in a variety of ways, most of which can be found on this page:

All of these ways of performing abortions are gruesome and traumatic for both the child and the mother. In most cases both the woman and the child experience pain, and the child is killed.

Keep in mind that millions of abortions are performed every year around the world.Even if only a million were committed per year, That would be 2739 abortions per day in a 365 day year. 2739 lives lost in a single day. It's hard to believe that anyone could possibly rationalize that abortion could ever be okay. Over the next few days, we'll be breaking down common points that people use to justify abortion and learning the truth so that we can better protect the lives of the unborn.

Why is abortion wrong?

Because it ends the life of an innocent human being and strips them of their dignity. That's the answer. Plain and simple. Abortion ends the life of a human being who has worth and dignity and is made in the image and likeness of God. When a child is aborted it is not even given a chance to live. It cannot thrive and it cannot live the life that God meant for it to live. Abortion also hurts the woman who is having the abortion. Many women struggle with anxiety and depression, as well as other health issues after they've had an abortion. Many feel guilt because of their abortion and wish that they had not made the decision. If you or someone you know has had an abortion, help is available and people do care about you and want to help you. Here's a website of an organization that helps people who have been hurt by abortion: Overall, abortion is wrong because it hurts people. It hurts women, children, and all those who love them. Everyone, no matter their stance on abortion, would most likely agree that if something harms the people they love, it is not okay and should not be tolerated.

I know that this is a tough topic, but it needs to be heard about and known about so that it can end. Please let me know in the comments section if you have any questions about abortion or the pro-life movement that you would like to be covered in other posts. You can go to the Students For Life of America website to get more reliable information about abortion and the pro-life movement.


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