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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

Who are You?

Updated: Nov 22, 2020

Who are you? Have you ever taken the time to think about your answer to this question? We hear it fairly often, but I'm willing to assume that most people do not normally think about what their own answer would be. On the surface level, it's an easy question to answer. Now, as a teenager, you may be given the titles of son, daughter, sibling, student, friend, and many more. When you are older you may be titled as a doctor, a lawyer, a youth minister, a sister, a priest, a parent, and so much more. When posed this question, we don't often take the time to think beyond this worldly surface level of answers. So now let's think a little deeper...

Every single title given to us by other human beings can be taken away. The only exception to this would be family titles such as mother, father, sibling, etc. Every single title that refers to what you do (doctor, priest, teacher, etc.) can be taken away. Every title in relation to where you are can be taken away (Pennsylvanian, Mexican, American, etc.) What we need to realize is that none of those titles define us. At the end of our lives, what we do for a living, where we lived, which degrees we earned or other of the things that the world sees as valuable in determining a person's worth will not matter. All that will matter is who you are.

As Catholic-Christians, we do not need to wonder about who we are. We are given one title that surpasses all other titles we have been given. And that title is "Chosen." At the end of the day, that is who we are. We are, as Saint Peter says, “'a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own, so that you may announce the praises' of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light" (1 Peter 2:9) God has chosen us specifically to belong completely and totally to Him. He wants us to live completely with Him and For Him. We have a purpose. God has a plan, and that plan will allow us to "announce the praises of Him" to everyone we may meet. We are a people of His own, who He has called from the darkness of sin and death into the light of love and salvation.

This is the most important title you will ever receive because it defines who you are and it is given to you by your maker. This title is how you will find true joy and peace. It is what enables you to love and be loved. You are not defined by your sins. You are not defined by who the world sees you as. Your definition and your title are given to you by your Father. Your Heavenly Father, who loves you beyond what you could ever imagine. He says that you are loved, He says that you have a purpose, and He says that you are chosen.

So the next time that someone asks, "who are you?," you can confidently answer with the truth- "I am Chosen. I am a Child of God, a slave of His love, and loved beyond measure. I am God's and God's alone."


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