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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

Who are You?

Who are you?

Who am I?

Who is that girl that sits across from you in math class?

Who is that popular athletic kid who everyone seems to love?

Who is that nun at your church who seems to pray constantly?

Who is that guy at school who deals drugs from his locker?

Who is that person with differing political views who always gets on your nerves?

Who is the barista that serves you each day when you grab coffee before school?

Who is that pastor at the Protestant church down the street?

Who is that baby in the womb of his mamma who is contemplating having an abortion?

Who is that mamma?

Who is that politician that you can't stand hearing about?

Who is that woman who's been in jail for as long as you can remember?

Who is that man, laying in a hospital bed, close to death?

Who is that sweet older man who you see walking to daily Mass?

Who is that girl at school who is struggling with same-sex attraction?

Who is that toddler at the park who smiled at you so sweetly?

Who is your priest?

Who was every person who lives, ever lived, and will ever live?

Who is Jesus Christ?

Who a person is according to the world is irrelevant and does not change how they deserve to be treated.

Who are they? Who are you?

You both are chosen from all creation and made in the image and likeness of God Himself. When you recognize that, there is hope. No matter who you are, no matter what you've done, you are still good in the eyes of God. In fact, you are VERY good! (Gen. 1:31) You both are loved so much that God Himself, 2000 years ago, died for you. You both are chosen. You both are cherished. You both have dignity simply because you are human beings and you exist.

Our identities come not from ourselves, not from who others perceive us to be, but from God Himself, our Father and King.

The next time someone asks you "who are you?", the next time you look at someone and think "who's that?!" think of this post. Think of God. It is in Him alone that we find our identity.


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