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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

Who Are Your Sheep?

Who are your sheep? Who are the people in your sphere of influence who look to you as an example of the Christian life? As parents, your children are your sheep. As an employee, your coworkers and the people you may serve are your sheep. As a student, your friends, classmates, and even your teachers are your sheep- anyone who has the opportunity to learn and grow closer to the Christian life. As we conform to the Lord and His will for our lives, our hearts will become more compassionate and sympathetic towards those around us. A shepherd is a leader- someone willing to sacrifice and lay down his life for his or her sheep. Your sheep are those who you are willing to pray and sacrifice for as you walk with them on the journey to Heaven.

Today, my priest had the awe-inspiring and thought-provoking line: “Are our leaders Servants of the Truth?” If you are in a leadership position- religious or otherwise- are you seeking the Truth? Are you seeking to lead those entrusted to you- your sheep, to the Truth?

Do you know and believe that despite what the other shepherds of the world may say, Jesus Christ is the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life for the world? A true leader leads their sheep to what is best for them, even when it is difficult. After all, if you, the shepherd of your sheep, lose one of them, they are bound to be found and swept into the herd of some other shepherd who may not be living the Truth.

Take these words to heart as you pray with and for your sheep: “… His heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd; and He began to teach them many things.” (Mark 6:34)

God bless you,



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