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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

"Why are you Pro-Life?"

"Why are you pro-life?"

I'm pro-life because children are not protected in their mother's wombs.

I'm pro-life because those who are sentenced to death because of their actions will not have the chance to turn their lives around.

I'm pro-life because suicide is a tragedy and can be prevented.

I'm pro-life because those with disabilities do not deserve to die simply because they are suffering.

I'm pro-life because every single human being is worthy and deserving of love and life.

I'm pro-life because there are well over 63,000,000 souls missing from the United States alone since 1973 as a result of abortion.

I'm pro-life because 878,000 lives were lost to abortion in the first ten months of 2023.

I'm pro-life because 24 people were executed in the United States last year alone.

I'm pro life because hundreds of people die by suicide every day.

I'm pro-life because in 2021 there were 102 children whose lives were ended in the womb for every 500 births.

I'm pro-life because the numbers speak for themselves.

I'm pro-life because it helps me to appreciate every single person I encounter.

I'm pro-life because Jesus said, " Whatever you do for the least of these, you did for me."

I'm pro-life because each person is made in the image and likeness of God.

I'm pro-life because Jesus said "Let the little children come to me"

I'm pro-life because each person was knit together in their mother's womb.

I'm pro-life because Jesus is.

I'm pro-life because a life ends when abortion occurs.

I'm pro-life because a child's heart starts beating in the womb at just 3 weeks after conception.

I'm pro-life because a child in the womb can feel pain as early as 12 weeks.

I'm pro-life because medical textbooks teach that life begins at the moment of conception

I'm pro-life because a fetus is another term for a stage or development- like child, teen, or adult.

I'm pro-life because it's scientifically true.

I'm pro-life because abortion causes serious mental health issues

I'm pro-life because abortion frequently is the start of years of infertility and reproductive issues

I'm pro-life because the foster care system needs reform and has the potential to do so much good

I'm pro-life because adoption is a beautiful and heroic option

I'm pro-life because the death penalty will not be abolished unless we make our voices heard

I'm pro-life because mothers deserve to have access to prenatal and postpartum care and resources

I'm pro-life because one word, a simple smile, can change and save someone's life

I'm pro-life because our voices need to be heard.

I'm pro-life because 1/3 of our generation has been lost to abortion

I'm pro-life because my mother gave me life

I'm pro-life because I love everyone around me, no matter what.

I'm pro-life because who will speak up and defend the most vulnerable if we do not?

I'm pro-life because when will these horrible evils ever end if we do not work to stop them?

To put it simply, I am pro-life because, well, how could I not be?


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1 comentário

21 de jan.

Praise God that giving or not giving YOU life was never even a second thought...YOU are totally meant to be, just as every person is...and I am sooooooooooooo glad that God gave us YOU!!!! I'd go through the pre-eclampsia, crazy C-section recovery, days and nights in the NICU, sleepless nights when you got home, and all of your medical difficulties all over again in a heartbeat just to have YOU, my dear! Jesus has helped us with it all, and the world is soooooooooo blessed to have YOU (and your super-fantastic boyfriend, too!)!!!! YOU show us what God can do with those who get a chance to speak- your Mother and your Blessed Mother are sooooooooo proud of YOU!!!…

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