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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

Wonderfully Made!

In today's responsorial psalm, these verses are included:

You formed my inmost being;

you knit me in my mother’s womb.

I praise you, because I am wonderfully made;

wonderful are your works!

My very self you know.

You. Yes, you! The one reading this right now! You are wonderfully made. God designed you in such a way that even before you were born, everything about you was wonderful. Even though you've sinned as you've grown up, God still thinks you're wonderful. Even when you don't see yourself as wonderful, God does. No matter who you are or what you've done, God still sees you as wonderful simply because you are His. You don't need to earn your wonderfulness. It can't be taken away or earned. He created you, and that act of perfect creation made you wonderful.

So, maybe you're not convinced that you are wonderful. Maybe you're thinking "I need some more proof." Here's your proof: Remember how in the book of Genesis God spoke everything into being? Well, when He created humans, He said that they were VERY good. All the other parts of creation, He said they were good. But you, you are very good.

Everyone else in the entire universe was created very good too. From the tiny baby who was just conceived to the 99-year-old woman lying in her hospital bed, and everyone in between. They are all wonderful and deserve to be treated as such. Their lives matter and are priceless because they were wonderfully created by an amazing God who loves them infinitely.

Your creator, your Father, your lover, He is there for you. He knows you. And He will never let you down. Even if you are nothing else in this world, you are a child of God, and you are wonderfully made and wonderfully loved. Come to Him with everything you have and everything you are. No matter how much you've sinned, no matter how the world sees you, no matter what you are stressing over or dealing with, come back to God. He will take care of you.

So don't forget to live like you're loved and live like you know you were created by the God who is love and perfection itself. God thinks you are wonderful, and He took the time to create you that way. My challenge to you today is to take a few minutes to think about that... Let it sink into the depths of your soul. It's time for us all to realize who God says we are.


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