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Writer's pictureCatholic Teen

"Your faith has saved you!"

Today I invite you to reflect prayerfully on today's Gospel passage with me. You can read it, along with the other readings of the day, here in verses 21-43.

I, and so many others, can strongly relate to the hemorrhaging woman in this passage recounting just one of Jesus' many healings. My guess is that you might, too. Or at least know someone who does.

What is your own lengthy affliction? No, you may not be hemorrhaging (and I pray that you are not!!); however, most of us have at least one thing in our lives that brings us continual suffering.

Examples could include chronic pain; anxiety disorders; depression; family issues; past trauma; distrust of others; poor body image; OCD, other mental illnesses; injuries; cancer; habitual sin; chronic illness; scrupulosity; trauma from abuse; not being able to forgive yourself; problems with relating to others or forming friendships; grief; strife in your parents' relationship/ your relationship with them; screen addictions; any form of addiction; fatigue; burnout...

Think about it. What in your life needs healing? (Side note: the above examples are not ALL examples, just some that Christ put on my heart while writing this).

This is the thing you've been suffering with for so long. You've tried so hard to feel better, but you feel stuck. You're tired of fighting.

So was the hemorrhaging woman. She bled in pain for twelve years. She suffered at the hands of those trying to help her. And she spent all that she had. Physically. Financially. Mentally. Emotionally. She was alone and exhausted, not only from her pain but from being misunderstood, so tired of fighting, so tired of no one being able to help.

The woman in the Gospel was so exhausted and in pain. And in her pain, she turned to the only one she thought could truly heal her: The man they said was the Messiah. She had such faith that she believed that if she only touched Him, she could be made well! And she reached out and touched the tassel on his cloak. She reached out for healing, believing that it would happen. And Jesus granted the desires of her heart! He looked at her. No- He SAW her. He saw all she'd been through, all the pain, all the anxiety, all the depression. And He said, "Daughter, your faith has saved you. Go in peace and be cured of your affliction." (Though I imagine Jesus would have most likely used exclamation points (!!!!) and not periods. Cause He was probably rejoicing with her. And smiling. And loving her!). And He told her to "Go in peace."

Anyone who has suffered for a long time knows the pain and exhaustion of just wanting answers. Wanting help. Wanting peace.

In my own life, I suffer from chronic health issues and intense fears and anxiety. Every day is a struggle to let Jesus help me and recognize that He is offering His peace to me, as well; to reach for Him and to hope and trust that He'll take care of me and heal me.

Peace... What a beautiful concept. What a beautiful gift. I long for peace, and even if I'm never completely healed, and must persevere in my afflictions, body, mind, and soul, then I simply ask for peace.

This woman in the Gospel today... She was so brave. Her faith, hope, and trust truly did make her well because they enabled her to come to the Lord, no matter the cost.

How can we, those of us who suffer greatly on a daily basis- even if it's only been weeks, months, or only a few years as opposed to twelve- how can we "touch his cloak" today? How can we ask for and accept this healing that Christ provides?

Come to Him. Simply come to Him. He WILL work in your life, in your pain. You will be healed. It might not be in the way you expect it. Healing can come in all sorts of ways... Sometimes it means switching up habits or lifestyles; locations or schools; going to therapy; trying a new medication; separating yourself from harmful relationships. All of these are from God, and He works through them! Also, your healing might not even come in this life, but it certainly will in the next.

Some days, it's so hard to reach out to Him. But friend, our God is the God who raises the dead! Those who can't even, by themselves, ask for healing! Who are literally past the point of healing! Jesus sees them, He goes to them, and tells them to "Arise!" To live! (We see another example of this in the Gospel today!)

So my friend, take courage. Whatever your affliction is, whatever you need healing for, whatever your cross is... Go to Him. Be with Him. Consume His very Body and Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Eucharist. Be reconciled with Him in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Don't be afraid. Jesus has you. He sees you. He loves you.

Your faith is beautiful.


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